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Table des matières
Programmes en Micropython SmartHome
Test Variation Led pin 12
from machine import Pin import time led = Pin(12, Pin.OUT)# Build an LED object, connect the external LED light to pin 0, and set pin 0 to output mode while True: led.value(1)# turn on led time.sleep(1)# delay 1s led.value(0)# turn off led time.sleep(1)# delay 1s
Test Led PWM
import time from machine import Pin,PWM #The way that the ESP32 PWM pins output is different from traditionally controllers. #It can change frequency and duty cycle by configuring PWM’s parameters at the initialization stage. #Define GPIO 0’s output frequency as 10000Hz and its duty cycle as 0, and assign them to PWM. p0 = Pin(012, Pin.OUT) pwm = PWM(p0, freq=10000, duty_u16=8192) try: while True: #The range of duty cycle is 0-1023, so we use the first for loop to control PWM to change the duty #cycle value,making PWM output 0% -100%; Use the second for loop to make PWM output 100%-0%. for i in range(0,1023): pwm.duty(i) time.sleep_ms(1) for i in range(0,1023): pwm.duty(1023-i) time.sleep_ms(1) except: #Each time PWM is used, the hardware Timer will be turned ON to cooperate it. Therefore, after each use of PWM, #deinit() needs to be called to turned OFF the timer. Otherwise, the PWM may fail to work next time. pwm.deinit()
Test des 2 Boutons
from machine import Pin import time button1 = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) button2 = Pin(27, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) while True: btnVal1 = button1.value() # Reads the value of button 1 btnVal2 = button2.value() print("button1 =",btnVal1) #Print it out in the shell print("button2 =",btnVal2) time.sleep(0.1) #delay 0.1s
Test Bouton 1 M/A Led
from machine import Pin import time button1 = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) led = Pin(12, Pin.OUT) count = 0 while True: btnVal1 = button1.value() # Reads the value of button 1 #print("button1 =",btnVal1) #Print it out in the shell if(btnVal1 == 0): time.sleep(0.01) while(btnVal1 == 0): btnVal1 = button1.value() if(btnVal1 == 1): count = count + 1 print(count) val = count % 2 if(val == 1): led.value(1) else: led.value(0) time.sleep(0.1) #delay 0.1s
/home/chanteri/www/fablab37110/data/attic/start/arduino/esp32/smart/micropython.1740570316.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2025/02/26 12:45 de admin