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Programmes en Micropython SmartHome
Test Led pin 12
from machine import Pin import time led = Pin(12, Pin.OUT)# Build an LED object, connect the external LED light to pin 0, and set pin 0 to output mode while True: led.value(1)# turn on led time.sleep(1)# delay 1s led.value(0)# turn off led time.sleep(1)# delay 1s
Test Led PWM
import time from machine import Pin,PWM #The way that the ESP32 PWM pins output is different from traditionally controllers. #It can change frequency and duty cycle by configuring PWM’s parameters at the initialization stage. #Define GPIO 0’s output frequency as 10000Hz and its duty cycle as 0, and assign them to PWM. p0 = Pin(012, Pin.OUT) pwm = PWM(p0, freq=10000, duty_u16=8192) try: while True: #The range of duty cycle is 0-1023, so we use the first for loop to control PWM to change the duty #cycle value,making PWM output 0% -100%; Use the second for loop to make PWM output 100%-0%. for i in range(0,1023): pwm.duty(i) time.sleep_ms(1) for i in range(0,1023): pwm.duty(1023-i) time.sleep_ms(1) except: #Each time PWM is used, the hardware Timer will be turned ON to cooperate it. Therefore, after each use of PWM, #deinit() needs to be called to turned OFF the timer. Otherwise, the PWM may fail to work next time. pwm.deinit()
Test des 2 Boutons
from machine import Pin import time button1 = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) button2 = Pin(27, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) while True: btnVal1 = button1.value() # Reads the value of button 1 btnVal2 = button2.value() print("button1 =",btnVal1) #Print it out in the shell print("button2 =",btnVal2) time.sleep(0.1) #delay 0.1s
Test Bouton 1 M/A Led
from machine import Pin import time button1 = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) led = Pin(12, Pin.OUT) count = 0 while True: btnVal1 = button1.value() # Reads the value of button 1 #print("button1 =",btnVal1) #Print it out in the shell if(btnVal1 == 0): time.sleep(0.01) while(btnVal1 == 0): btnVal1 = button1.value() if(btnVal1 == 1): count = count + 1 print(count) val = count % 2 if(val == 1): led.value(1) else: led.value(0) time.sleep(0.1) #delay 0.1s
Test PIR : detection de personnes
from machine import Pin import time PIR = Pin(14, Pin.IN) while True: value = PIR.value() print(value, end = " ") if value == 1: print("Des personnes sont dans la zone ...!") else: print("il n'y a personne ...!") time.sleep(0.1)
Test Buzzer Music
from machine import Pin, PWM from time import sleep buzzer = PWM(Pin(25)) buzzer.duty(1000) # Happy birthday buzzer.freq(294) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(440) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(392) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(532) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(494) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(392) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(440) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(392) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(587) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(532) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(392) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(784) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(659) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(532) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(494) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(440) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(698) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(659) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(532) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(587) sleep(0.25) buzzer.freq(532) sleep(0.5) buzzer.duty(0)
Test Servo Porte entrée : angle 25° 77° 180°
from machine import Pin, PWM import time pwm = PWM(Pin(13)) pwm.freq(50) ''' Duty cycle corresponding to the Angle 0°----2.5%----25 45°----5%----51.2 90°----7.5%----77 135°----10%----102.4 180°----12.5%----128 ''' angle_0 = 25 angle_90 = 77 angle_180 = 128 while True: pwm.duty(angle_0) time.sleep(1) pwm.duty(angle_90) time.sleep(1) pwm.duty(angle_180) time.sleep(1)
Test Capteur Humidité 0= Fenetre Ouverte, 0> Fenetre fermée
# Import Pin, ADC and DAC modules. from machine import ADC,Pin,DAC,PWM import time pwm = PWM(Pin(5)) pwm.freq(50) # Turn on and configure the ADC with the range of 0-3.3V adc=ADC(Pin(34)) adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) adc.width(ADC.WIDTH_12BIT) # Read ADC value once every 0.1seconds, convert ADC value to DAC value and output it, # and print these data to “Shell”. try: while True: dacVal=adcVal//16 voltage = adcVal / 4095.0 * 3.3 print("ADC Val:",adcVal,"DACVal:",dacVal,"Voltage:",voltage,"V") if(voltage > 0.6): pwm.duty(46) else: pwm.duty(100) time.sleep(0.1) except: pass
/home/chanteri/www/fablab37110/data/attic/start/arduino/esp32/smart/micropython.1740574432.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2025/02/26 13:53 de admin